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Senin, 03 Februari 2020

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Collector's Edition


Category: Livres anglais et trangers,Entertainment,Puzzles & Games

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Collector's Edition Details

Collector's edition strategy guide with premium hardcover, gold gilded pages and reusable character clings of Majora's Mask artworkWith only 3 game days to save the world The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D Strategy Guide Collector's Edition gives you tactics and tips to achieve 100% completion in the remastered and enhanced version of the Nintendo classic that's unlike any other Legend of Zelda adventure. This hardcover Collector's Edition features premium gold stamping with gold gilded pages and includes reusable character clings of Majora's Mask artwork.A masked Skull Kid drags Link into the world of Termina, where the moon is falling from the sky. Lucky for Termina, Link can reverse time and relive his last 72 hours in limitless ways. Each time, he'll don any of his 20+ masks, help different citizens, battle different bosses, and ultimately change the fate of a world. The definitive version of a dark classic.The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D Strategy Guide Collector's Edition includes labeled maps that show the location for each collectible, including pieces of heart and masks, while the complete walkthrough guides you through the entire world of Termina. Defeat your foes with a dedicated section for enemies that Link will face on his journey and reference the Legendary checklists to find every collectible.



Prima nous offre la un magnifique guide collector, reliure rigide violette avec un artwork du masque et les pages dores or. Le contenu est extrmement riche: description des personnages, des diffrents masque du jeu, des items, des secrets, l'histoire dcrite pas pas avec explications et capture d'cran, etc. Vous arriverez bout du jeu sans trop de problmes ! (le livre contient des stickers des personnages). Je recommande !Si ce commentaire vous a t utile, merci de cliquer sur "oui".



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